Are You One of Us?

... or perhaps you're here because someone you know believes you are ...

  • Are you an investor who values profit and impact?

  • Are you actively searching for a product that is ripe for rapid traction?

  • Do you wish to leave a legacy and positively impact the way people interact with love on the planet?

If you said yes to any or all of the above... you're in the right place.

Welcome to the Worldwide Love Story

...a love-centric platform

of user-generated, location-based love stories...

...where it's our mission

to raise the vibration of love on the planet,

one love story at a time.

What is the Worldwide Love Story?

Imagine if Humans of New York —or if you want to take it way back, Chicken Soup for the Souland Google Earth had a love child...



... it would be the Worldwide Love Story.

Sounds interesting, but what does that actually mean?

It means we're on a mission to collect real stories of real people in love, from all over the world.

It means we're anchoring love stories to time, place and space on the first-ever global map of love.

It means we're socially connecting love stories, landmarks, and lovers of love on a global scale.

It means we're changing the way people interact with love on a worldwide level.

Invest in a global geo-mapped database of love and relationships

Get a rapid ROI on the next viral social platform.

Leave a legacy of love,

And it means we're actively seeking angels who want their investment to make an immediate, visceral impact with meaningful, long-term global implications. So, if you are an investor who wants to:

The Worldwide Love Story Vision

To understand why the Worldwide Love Story is poised for impactful, rapid-fire growth, it's important to understand our vision.

To that end, we invite you to listen to the founder of the Worldwide Love Story, Alicia Mejia, as she gives a 2 minute overview of the project, followed by the 7 key components integral to the organic growth, stickiness, and baked-in virality of raising the vibration of love on the planet.

Two Minute Overview:

Alicia Mejia, Worldwide Love Story Founder

7 Key Components:

  1. Pins Dropped for Love Stories Around the World

Users drop pins on the map for where they were when they realized they loved their person. Together, we’re co-creating a map where—instead of borders and divisions—we see where love happened. Our map populates pin by pin, person by person, love by love.

  1. Love Stories Connected by Family, Friends & Fate

Users share their love stories, organically tagging those involved. One by one—as stories are shared—we’re connecting friends, family and fate in the worldwide story of love.

  1. Heat Maps of Love

User activity demonstrates the most active, loving locations at any given time around the world. Like a weather forecast of love, we’re reflecting the most loving places on the planet: to live, to love, to visit, to learn.

  1. Progressive Shares of Love's Migration

Users drop additional pins for significant updates and milestones as their love story develops.

Met in Vegas?

Announced your love in Paris?

Made it through a rough patch?

Celebrating a significant win?

Pins dropped along the development of a love story illustrate the progression and migration of love.

  1. Timelines of Single-site Stories

Timelines are generated at single-site, multi-story locations. Fell in love at 57th & Madison? Curious if anyone else has? Users have the ability to learn how many people fell in love at a particular location, over time.

  1. Family Trees of Love

Family trees of love are created as users connect their love stories to those of their biological and chosen family.

  1. Crowdsourced Love Landmarks

Don't have a love story to share yet but want to be a part of the Worldwide Love Story anyway? Sweet. Drop a pin on the map for love landmarks and help keep love top of mind, wherever you are.

If this sounds interesting and you're an investor who:

Values a stellar team, rapid traction, and global connections

Is ready to enhance your portfolio with a diverse opportunity with multiple exits

And knows that love :

  • Viscerally activates people, creating rapid, viral growth

  • Multiplies your investment and our impact

  • Can change the world

...then we invite you to book a discovery call today and let's continue the conversation.